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Reviewing for the Exam
Board Members
Will Bailey
Debra Collins
Ronald Frazier
Kate Garvey
Tom Gates
Allen Lomax
John Porter

Educational Opportunities for Alexandrians (EOA) supports students whose immigration status creates barriers to higher education. These students too often have limited options upon graduation. 

Our Vision
To support Alexandria public high school students, whose immigration status creates barriers to higher education, in pursuit of their higher education goals.

Our Mission
To provide sufficient funding through scholarships so Alexandria public
high school students, whose immigration status creates barriers to higher education, will be able to complete their associate degree. The scholarship program supports Alexandria high school graduates who are born outside the U.S. or who are ineligible to apply for federally funded scholarships or participate in federally sponsored processes to determine financial aid eligibility. EOA supports students who are planning to enroll as full-time students for up to two years. 


EOA will grant scholarships to students who plan to attend the Northern Virginia Community College in the academic year of the award. EOA partners with the Alexandria City Public Schools and other community, City and not for profit youth organizations to identify and support these students. 


Board members work throughout the year to raise money to support the scholarship program. Your support is vitally important and can have a significant impact on the lives of these students.

Click here to support the EOA fund. 

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